Did you just purchase a home but you are worried about the security and the safety of the property? If you haven't made any changes to make the property safer and you aren't sure where to start, you'll want to contact a locksmith. A locksmith (like those at Timberline Locksmith Service) is actually a security professional and having them survey the property and make the necessary changes is going to help you feel safe at home. Here are a few things you consider when you call the locksmith for an appointment.
Get a Security Examination
Are your basement windows composed of regular glass instead of block glass, or do you have windows in the pane next to your door? These are potential safety risks you may not even know about. The locksmith will do a security examination to determine how safe the property is, and they can give you a final report on what they suggest you change.
Change the Locks
Changing the locks is something you want done before moving in. You don't know if the old owners still have spare keys, or who they could have given keys to when the property was under their ownership. The locksmith can install new locks, and you should ask for deadbolts if there aren't any on all the entrance doors. The locksmith can help you find the best modern locking option if you want a key pad or fingerprint detection lock for the doors. Some locks even have voice recognition capability.
Install Home Security
Having a home security system is important to feel safe, and to reduce the chance of a burglary. Your house is 300 percent less likely to have an intrusion when you have a security system in place. You can get something basic that just allows you to get notified if the entrances are opened or tampered with when the system is armed, or you can something that has cameras, motion detection and more.
Your homeowner's insurance company should give you a discount if you install a home security system, especially if the unit also has fire and gas detection. Take all the suggestions that you get from the locksmith seriously to ensure that you are protecting your home from a potential break-in. Anyone who was in your house before you lived there may know the easiest ways to get in, so you want to make sure that you eliminate any way they think they can get through.