Understanding What A Locksmith Does

  • Secure Your Business With Commercial Locksmith Services

    16 July 2020

    Locksmiths are about so much more than unlocking cars after you lock your keys inside. They offer a wide range of services for businesses. In fact, commercial locksmith services are essential for helping you keep your business property, valuable documents, trade secrets, and many more important items secure. These are just a few ways locksmiths can help you secure your business. Install Controlled Access Systems These are essential for modern businesses that need to control employee access to business property, business doors, and even certain floors of your business.

  • Making Your Business's Entryway More Accessible

    7 April 2020

    Retrofitting or remodeling your business is a good time to ensure that your entryways and locks are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Not only do you have an obligation under the law to ensure access, but your customers will also appreciate it. Here is more information about changes to make so that your business entryways are ADA compliant. Making these changes will help improve access for your employees and customers.

  • Want To Fill In Missing Security Features? Get Help From A Locksmith

    3 May 2019

    Whenever you leave your house or go to sleep at night, you may go through the process of locking all the doors and windows to maximize security. While this may be effective at keeping anyone from getting inside, you may know that there are other security measures you can take. If you have seen certain security features at the homes of friends and relatives, you may grow interested in adding them to your own house to enjoy some extra peace of mind.

  • Two Tips To Help You Get A Good Deal On Mobile Locksmith Services

    25 August 2016

    When you become locked out of your home or vehicle, a mobile locksmith is a godsend.  They can get you back inside of your car or house in a hurry so you're able to proceed on with your daily plans.  However, because lockouts typically happen at the most inopportune times, you may find that you're strapped for cash and can't come up with enough money to pay the fee.  Don't let tight finances keep you from getting the help you need.

  • Touch Bars Vs. Narrow Stiles: Does The Type Of Exit Device You Choose Really Make A Difference?

    1 August 2016

    Touch bars and narrow-stile exit devices—those levers and bars you press to open a door in an office building—seem to be almost the same except for their designed look. However, they do have some distinct differences that can influence the situations in which the devices are used. Part of this is a safety issue, while the cosmetic side of the debate isn't something you can ignore, either. Glass Doors and Accidents

  • Top 5 Things You Need To Ask A Locksmith Before They Change Out Your Locks

    11 July 2016

    If you have just moved into a new home, it would be wise to change your locks. Changing locks can be tricky, so it is always best to leave it up to a professional locksmith to do the job for you. Below is a list of topics to cover when searching for a locksmith. Better Business Bureau Having to replace your locks can be very stressful. Don't add to the stress by assuming that all locksmiths are the same and then finding out otherwise.

  • New Tech For Safely Ensuring You Never Get Locked Out Of Your Home Again

    24 May 2016

    The key to avoiding getting locked out of your own house in the future is preparation. If you've managed to get back in this time only with a lot of effort and the help of locksmith services, your goal now should be to avoid that outcome in the future. Here are a few ways to avoid being locked out in the future that are safe. Saved Key Designs at a Hardware Store